The DALTL-45 is a fully extruded louver with fixed 45° horizontal blades.
- Fixed 45° horizontal blades on 3/4" spacing
- Fully extruded aluminum blades and frame
- Supports are hidden behind blades for a clean appearance
- Bird screen is standard or select insect screen
- Available on 1" standard dimensions
- Custom sizes manufactured up to 1/16" increments
- Available in durable powder coat finish standard
|  |
|  |
W | White |
| S | Silver |
| M | Mill |
| PC | Prime Coat

B | Brown
| FB | Flat Black
| Special Order
| W - White |  |
| S - Silver |  |
| M - Mill |  |
| W - White |  |
| S - Silver |  |
| M - Mill |  |